I must confess: I have a shoe and purse fetish. Truly though, it's mostly purses.
Here are a few of my favorites from Amazon... and guess what? They are all under $30!!!
You gotta love a hello kitty purse! Maybe better suited for a younger woman, but I think it's fun, and I'd wear it to shop.
Love the beaded evening bags. The colors on the peacock design are stunning. The round thing is a purse hook... really pretty and only $2.04. You'll never have to put your purse on the floor again, which is awesome, because you wouldn't believe the bacteria our purses accumulate!
Plus, Nene* says it's bad luck, that your money will disapear. I don't know if it's true, but I don't need to be taking any chances! ;)
There are tons more at amazing prices, check them out today!
*Nene Leaks - Real Housewives of Atlanta
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