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Sunday 1 January 2012

Year In Review: 2011 Is Over!

Pin It Happy New Year!

I hope you enjoy this year in review video of 2011... it's quite funny.  While it's mostly about American events, they do mention other countries as well... I mean, how could you do a year in review of 2011 and not mention the Royal Wedding!?

The one line that struck me the hardest was the one that said something like "War between the classes".  Sounds like something I recently predicted, and fear.

While 2011 was a hard year for me, at least I found blogging.  While I hope to make something big happen through blogging, it has also been therapeutic for me, and has helped me learn more about myself, and my needs.  I'm still cycling, still wondering if the pills are doing more harm than good.  I've never had an episode this bad.  Though some research I had read suggested that bipolar disorder good get worse with age.  Terrifying.


I don't do much for New Year's... it's not really my holiday.  I don't really see why it's such a big deal either.  I mean, it's just a date change on the calendar.  But hey, I'm not suggesting we cancel New Year's as a holiday!  At the very least, it's a free day off, and that's worth celebrating all on it's own!

So here are my wishes for you for 2012:

I wish for you that you don't make resolutions you can't keep and manage to achieve the ones you make.
I wish you love to warm your heart, and peace to calm your soul.
I wish you wealth and most importantly, I wish you health.

I also have a request:  Please don't drink and drive... the life you save may be my own ;)


Much Love, 

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