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Sunday 13 November 2011

Confessions of a TV addict: A Guide to Choosing What to Watch by Day of the Week

Pin It OK, I must confess:  I watch WAY too much television.  

The invention of the PVR (personal video recorder) has taken the television watching experience to a whole new level.  Gone are the days of being limited to whatever's actually on.  Gone are the days of having to sit through endless commercial breaks.  Gone are the days of having to listen to some host drone on and on so as to get to the part of interest.  Now all you have to do is hit fast forward, and you can skip all of that.  With a PVR, you can record all the television shows you love, and watch them at your own leisure.  I have tons of children shows for the kids (who are completely spoiled and don't understand that when we go to someone else's house, you can't always just choose what you want).
I hardly ever watch live TV any more. Why would I, now that I know how much better it can be? ;)

Anyway, so I realize this is a totally subjective subject, but here are the television programs I watch and would recommend, by day of the week:


  1. Deperate Housewives, which I only started watching last year, but the whole dead body disappearing storyline has me interested enough to keep watching.
  2. Dexter: A loveable serial killer... who'd a thunk it?
  3. The Good Wife: Always did love a good law show... LA Law was the main reason I was convinced I would be a lawyer from age 8-18. 
  4. Drop Dead Diva:  The premise of the model (Deb) dying and being brought back in a different body (Jane) is pretty funny in itself.  The show really cracks me up, and I love how Jane acts all cute and cocky when she scores a point in the courtroom.  Can't wait to see if she can get Parker back, who was her fiancé when she was still Deb. 
  5. Covert Affairs:  Piper Perabo, who you might remember from Coyote Ugly fame, plays an undercover CIA agent that seriously kicks ass.  
  1. Gossip Girl:  OK, I realize I'm a little old for Gossip Girl, but I can't help it.  There's still a teenage girl trapped in me somewhere. 
  2. House:  I only caught on to this craze a couple of years ago, mainly because the first time I tried to watch it I came upon an episode that started with these people in the most disgusting of places, surrounded by bugs, and ... ewww.  I got totally turned off and changed the channel.  Little did I know that each episode starts with the scene where the episode's patient get's sick/injured.  I tried it again on a day when I was bored, and was pleasantly surprised!  This man may be brilliant, but he is a world class jerk, and his jerkiness has just gotten worse this season.  While I usually find him amusing, I felt he'd sunk to an all time low when he tried to blackmail a patient a few episodes back.
  3. Two and a Half Men:  While the show just isn't the same without Charlie, what could be dubbed a spin-off is still rather promising.  It feels a little like Ashton Kutcher has reprised his role as Kelso, all grown-up and with money, but he is quite funny, and I always liked Kelso. :)
  4. Weeds:  A hilarious comedy-drama that focuses on a family trying to make a living off of selling marijuana.  
Tuesday (Such a busy night, good thing I have a PVR, I don't know how else I would keep up!)
  1. Glee:  Yes, I'm a Gleek.  Deal with it.
  2. 90210:  Yep.  Deal with that too.
  3. Raising Hope:  It's a great sitcom that plays at 9:30 on Fox which I don't feel gets enough credit.  Red necks at the their very best!
  4. Ringer: New series this season on the CW with Sarah Jessica Parker.  One twin fakes her own death, the other takes over her life.  Little does she know the trouble she steps in, her sister having left quite the mess behind.  Very interesting, though I don't know how long they will be able to stretch the concept!
  5. Parenthood:  Possibly the best family show on television today.  I can't tell you how much I love this show. The cast is comprised of an entire family: the parents, their grown-up children, their spouses and offspring.  One of the couples struggle with a son who has Asperger's, it's incredibly well written, and very touching.  As an added bonus, there's a star studded cast: Lauren Graham from Gilmour Girls fame, Erika Christensen (Swimfan) and Craig T. Nelson (Coach).  I'm still trying to get through at least one episode without tearing up. 
  6. Real Housewives of New York:  I know, I know, but it's such a guilty pleasure!!!  I love all the money being thrown around, the  total lack of class, the backstabbing, all of it.  The show was so much better when Bethenny Frankle was on it, she's hilarious.  I miss her, but I'm also happy for her that such big things have happened for her, as I felt like we were very similar creatures.
  1. Survivor:  I watched the first couple of seasons, but I got really turned off by all the gross things they'd have to do, or worse, eat, so I stopped watching.  I started up again a couple of seasons ago, and they don't do that any more.  I love the psychology, watching the people interact, and how low they will stoop.  I also really enjoy the scenery from all these exotic places.
  2. XFactor:  What can I say?  It's better than American Idol.  The editing is really great, the audition shows were so powerful.  There is some amazing talent on that stage, and two of them are only 12 and 14.  Definitely worth watching.  My favourite is Drew Ryniewicz, while she has a terrible stage name, her voice is like that of an Angel.  I'd compare her to early Jewel material, you know, before she sold out. 
  3. America's Next Top Model:  Kind of like Survivor, but with 12 catty girls, Tyra Banks and fashion.  What's not to love?!
  4. The Middle:  Great sitcom with Patricia Heaton, from Everybody loves Raymond fame.  A rather poor family trying to get by, the three kids are what make it all come together. 
  5. Modern Family:  Another amazing sitcom and family show,  I can finally see Ed O'Neil as someone other than Al Bundy!
  1. XFactor Results: This is where fast forward comes in handy!
  2. Secret Circle:  A new series on The CW about witches, not sure how much I love it, but I'm still watching... for now anyway.
  3. Big Bang Theory:  Best Sitcom Ever.  If you aren't watching, start.  Now.  Seriously, I'm sure you can find somewhere to watch it online.  Go.  Right now.  And then come right back.  ;)
  1. Nikita:  It took me a while to accept Nikita as a brunette, but she's grown on me.  This one is mostly for the boyfriend, but it's not a bad watch at all.  It's always cool to watch a tiny woman kick a big bad guy's ass!
Saturday: Nothing plays on Saturday.  Saturday Sucks! (well the TV part anywho)

Also worth mentioning:  I record Days of Our Lives every day, and have been for the past 25 years (shudder).  I also record The View, which I don't always get to watch, but love, especially Whoopi Goldberg and Joy Behar.

Thus ends my confession of a television addict, and TV Guide.  They say the first step is admitting you have a problem, but I'm not sure how this problem could be solved.  How does the saying go?  "If you can't beat 'em, join 'em" ?  That's a splendid idea... anyone have a role for me? ;)

What's your favourite television program?  Did I name it here?  Tell me what and where, I'll try to catch an episode and see if I like it!

Much Love,


  1. Wow! Your TV addiction is severe mamma! Not that I'm not, but your's severe! ha ha... i'm speechless. well, i recommend "the walking dead" to you every Saturdays. Include it on your list. you'll love it... :)

  2. LOL I know, it's terrible!!! I'll have to check "The Walking Dead" out... which network does it play on?

    Thanks for commenting ;)

  3. Je constate que tu vis dans un monde bien différent du nôtre, les émissions américaines seulement, j'avoue que nous ici, c'est presque exclusivement des émissions en français... à part Mad Men et autres du genre, je préfère de loin les émissions de chez nous avec des créateurs et artistes de chez nous...on a la chance au Québec d'avoir des créateurs de gé les thèmes abordés ont rapport avec ma réalité, mon quotidien..

    Deuxième constatation, vu le peu de contenu canadien dans les émissions préférées des canadiens, on réalise qu'en fin de compte, il n'y a presque pas de culture télévisuelle canadienne, ça doit être frustrant pour les créateurs et artistes canadiens qui n'ont d'autre choix que de s'exiler aux États pour être reconnus chez-eux

    La question qui se pose finalement est celle-ci: le Canada existe-t-il vraiment? ou est il simplement une succursale des États-Unis désirant secrètement d'être adopté par son grand-frère américain?

    J'aimerais bien avoir des réponses à ces constatation

    Mononk anonyme

  4. Autre question, tu dis que tes enfants ne réalisent pas que sans enregistreur numérique, you can't always choose what you want... mais, choissisent-ils vraiment ou si ils sont pour ainsi dire obligés de regarder des émissions américaines? est-ce vraiment un choix et cela conduit-il à l'Américanisation des jeunes canadiens?

    Vraiment j'aimerais avoir des commentaires sur cette questions et les précédentes.

    mononk anonyme

  5. Bonjour mononk anonyme ;)

    Je vois que mon post est aller te chercher ce matin! Il y a effective du bon contenu au Québec, mais je suis souvent en retard pour le découvrir. J'ai écoutée plusieurs séries lorsque j'etais plus jeune, mais je sais pas, je suis prise avec le reste de mes émissions! Pour ce qui est de la programmation canadienne anglaise, je dois dire que la sélection est vraiment mince! Nikita et Covert Affairs sont canadiens, mais toutes les versions canadiennes des émissions américaines sont piètres. Canada Sings, tout récemment était tellement plate que je m'ai pu me forcer à l'écouter.

  6. C'est drôle que tu en parles, c'est justement une de mes frustrations! Je pose souvent la question à savoir pourquoi que la Tv canadienne anglaise = Tv de qualitée inférieure? Je peux comprendre qu'il y ait moins de budget, mais je ne crois pas que le budget de "La petite vie" était tres élever, et pourtant l'émission était excellente...

    En ce qui a trait aux enfants, ils écoutent des émissions de radio Canada, vrak Tv, disney, tvo, teletoon français. Ce qui est bien, c'est que le contenu est pré-approuvé par Maman. Ils aiment beaucoup spongebob et bugs bunny, mais aussi cornemuse et toc toc toc.

  7. Enfin, une bonne variété pour les enfants.

    Je crois que c'est vrai que l'on se sent obligés de se tourner vers les états, faute d'opportunité ici au Canada. On s'entend que si je veux un empire comme Oprah, ce n'est pas ici que ça va se faire! Qu'importe, je vais revenir créerdes emplois ici pur les différentes branches de felicianation...


  8. Je pense que c'est possible de créer un empire à partir d'ici, la preuve, Le Cirque du Soleil!

    Je reviens sur la question de l'identité canadienne, si on se fie à la rareté et, comme tu dis, la pauvreté de la télévision purement canadienne, on serait porté à croire que sans le Québec et sa majorité francophone, le Canada serait peut-être déjà annexé aux États-Unis...

    Et quand on en parle il semble les canadiens ne trouve pas ça grave! C'est assez triste...

    Tu devrais lancer une discussion là dessus sur ton blog, j'aimerais bien savoir comment pense les canadiens anglais.

    Est-ce que la réalité quotidienne des américains, telle que véhiculée par les sit-com, est la même que la réalité quotidienne des canadiens-anglais?

    Ou, question posée autrement: les canadiens anglais sont-ils en fin de compte gênés d'être canadiens et préfèreraient être des américains?

    Être comme un américain: sans-culture; mangeurs de fast food; ultra religieux; super hypocrite quant au sexe en général; raciste; envahisseur; mâcheux de gomme baloune; contre l'avortement; croyant que l'homosexualité est un choix et un péché; motivé seulement par l'argent; contre les mesures sociales comme l'assurance-santé..etx

    J'ai de la misère à croire que les canadiens anglais soient comme ça, et, si ils le sont, c'est vraiment triste!

    Lance la discussion, ça m'intéresse.

    Tu parlais de La Petite Vie, une émission qui a fait rire 98% de la population du Québec car tout le monde reconnaissait quelqu'un dans les personnages absurdes de l'émission. Existe-t-il des émissions vraiment Ontario ou vraiment Saskatchewan ou vraiment canadienne ou les gens voient une caricature de leur province?

    L'identité canadienne est un réel défi socioliogique.

    Mononk pas si anonyme

  9. Je vais penser à tout ça et formuler un post pour te répondre... il y en a trops à dire!

  10. It seems I've started up some controversy! Stay tuned for another post on my television tastes, why there is so little Canadian content, and what that says about Canadian content in general.

  11. C'est beau, tu sais, voilà un sujet qui pourrait te faire connaître, un sondage demandant c'est quoi un canadien, Oprah a fait sa réputation en posant des questions controversés à la population américaine, tu tiens peut-être là le début de ton empire loll

    mononk de moins en moins anonyme, mais achalant
